Billions of people still lack the ability to hear about Jesus
Three billion people around the world at this moment have little or no access to a saving relationship with Jesus. They will likely live and die without ever being introduced to the Savior of the world unless a follower of Jesus crosses a barrier to make disciples. These people are unreached.
Sources: joshuaproject.net; thetravelingteam.org
God is bringing the unreached to North America
Previously somewhat isolated in distant places, unreached people are now coming to us as refugees, international students, and immigrants where they can freely discover the truth about God. How will the church respond to our new neighbors from all over the world?
God is at work through Kingdom movements
God is moving around the world, starting church-planting movements in some of the places on the planet that have historically been most resistant to the gospel message. We believe God is going to continue this work in North America. Will you join with us in pursuing this?
Where Are We Seeing Movements? **From 24:14 Network
How Many People Are Involved In Movements? **From 24:14 Network
As of January 2019, nearly 70 million people are involved in church-planting movements! And that number is growing daily.