We exist to catalyze disciple-making movements among the unreached in North America that multiply to the ends of the earth until disciples have been made of all nations.
What We Do
We equip diverse teams of believers to be led by the Spirit in making disciples and planting churches that both reproduce and transform communities.
1. Listen to God
We focus on the Word, prayer and being led by the Spirit. We ask God “What should I be doing?”, listen, and by God’s grace we seek to obey.
2.Train Believers
We ask “Who can best reach the unreached people I’m burdened for?” and then we equip those we find with reproducible tools for making disciples.

3. Transform Communities
We seek to demonstrate and speak of the Kingdom. We ask “What are the needs and assets represented here?” and then help empower the community to leverage what they already have to meet those needs.
4. Start Discovery Groups
We ask “God, who that is far from You are You drawing to Yourself?”. Then we coach those we find who are open to lead their family and friends to encounter God for themselves through His Word.

We can help you or your church make disciples among the diverse communities living near YOU.
The Unreached
God has brought the nations into our neighborhoods. People from around the world are interacting with Christians for the first times in their lives.
Refugees – a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. These people are legally resettled after an intense vetting process. They are coming from unreached places like Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Burma and many other places!

International Students – individuals who chose to undertake all or part of their higher-level education in a country other than their own and move to that country for the purpose of studying. Most in the US are from China, India, Saudi Arabia and several other Asian countries.
Other Immigrants – these are people who have moved to North America through a variety of other pathways. Many unreached people come as immigrants to work for large corporations. Another class who are similar but different from refugees are asylum seekers who have fled their country and then have to prove that they can’t go back or they’ll be harmed.
We realize this can be a politically divisive topic. Regardless of political position, we see the current presence of these unreached people in our communities as an opportunity for the Gospel to reach people who have never before heard.
Our Values
These values should drive our behavior. They embody the posture we strive for as we catalyze movements among the unreached.
All of us are on a journey of discipleship to be more like Jesus, lifelong learners, we can learn from anyone
Health & Wholeness
God cares about our physical, spiritual, emotional and relational well-being
Hearing from God Our utmost priority is always to be led by God’s Word and Spirit, putting aside our tradition Extraordinary Prayer We prioritize intimacy with God trusting there is always more for us to experience of His grace and goodness Loving Obedience Our love for God leads us to radical obedience Urgency for the Unreached Those without access to the Gospel deserve extra efforts to take it to them Hard Work We seek to honor God by faithfully doing whatever needs to be done, sacrificial lifestyle We are operationally directed by a Strategic Leadership Team that is comprised of leaders across Forefront locations. We currently operate in Dallas/Fort Worth, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis and Northwest Arkansas where we have multiple City Directors serving. We intentionally have not listed the names of staff to protect their security. If you have any questions at all we are just an email or call away! We work with many like-minded groups in each of our locations. If you’d like to explore partnership in some capacity give us a shout! As participants moved back to the United States, it became apparent that we should increase our efforts to reach the unreached in North America. This happened in the midst of record-breaking numbers of international students and a global refugee crisis the media was just beginning to cover. God was clear. He was (and still is) moving people from unreached places to cities across the United States in an unprecedented way. Reaching these individuals became our sole focus as an organization. God has been extremely gracious and we have seen great things happen. While there has been much development within Forefront, we have never lost sight of seeing God glorified among the unreached and doing everything we can to see followers of Jesus equipped to reach them. We highly value working with the diverse body of Christ who may differ with us on “open-handed” issues.Who We Are