“In a nutshell, Disciple-Making Movements spread the gospel by making disciples who learn to obey the Word of God and quickly make other disciples, who then repeat the process. This results in many new churches being planted, frequently in regions that were previously very hostile to Christianity.” – Jerry Trousdale, Miraculous Movements

Recommended Books:

**This post comes from Chris Galanos with material taken from www.wigtakedmm.com**

In Month 1, I had the Leadership Team read The Great Evangelical Recession & then we discussed it. This book helps establish the problem in the American church & the need for a change. In Month 2, I had the Leadership Team read Spent Matches & then we discussed it. This book is about another American church on the DMM journey. In Month 3, I had the Leadership Team read Church Planting Movements and then we discussed it. This book shares stories & principles from Church Planting Movements all over the world. Everyone had already read Miraculous Movements or I would’ve included that one. Another book has come out since taking my team through this process that I’d highly recommend. I’d definitely include it in the lineup if I were to go back & do this again. It’s called The Kingdom Unleashed. If you haven’t read Miraculous Movements or The Kingdom Unleashed, I’d take 5 months & go in this order:

1. The Great Evangelical Recession
2. Miraculous Movements
3. Spent Matches
4. Church Planting Movements
5. The Kingdom Unleashed

In addition to these books, I was also exposing our Leadership Team to other various DMM resources. You can get a list of these on this blog. I’d encourage you to take them through all of the Recommended Videos on the Resources page.

When Global North church leaders visit Kingdom Movements in the Global South , the single most powerful response to what they see is “everybody here is making disciples. The accountants, the custodians, the police, the doctors, the farmers . . . they all see themselves as disciple makers and church planters! – The Kingdom Unleashed

Other books:


From Megachurch to Multiplication
Miraculous Movements
The Kingdom Unleashed
Church Planting Movements
Spent Matches
Letters to the Church
Father Glorified
The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church
Contagious Disciple Making
Movements That Change The World
Pioneering Movements
What Jesus Started
The Great Evangelical Recession
The Starfish and the Spider
Dear Mom and Dad
Stubborn Perseverance

“Movements often happen through ordinary, unlikely people being filled with the Spirit of God & boldly going out among the lost to make disciples & see churches planted. “

Check these books out!

1. The Great Evangelical Recession
2. Miraculous Movements
3. Spent Matches
4. Church Planting Movements
5. The Kingdom Unleashed